Kundalini Yoga
Kundalini Yoga Classes!
What is Kundalini yoga?
Kundalini yoga is a combination of breath, movement, and sound. It derives from the Sanskrit word kundal, which translates to “coiled energy.” The idea is that we all have energy gathered at the base of our spine and, through the practice of Kundalini, we bring that energy up our spine through the seven chakras, and out the crown of our head.
“The process of growth through Kundalini Yoga is a natural unfolding of your own nature,” Yogi Bhajan has said. “Like a snake, you will need to shed old skins to be more of who you are.” The ultimate goal of Kundalini is to increase your self-awareness by silencing your mind and unblocking your chakras so that your vital energy can flow freely.
What are the health benefits?
There are a lot of reasons why people choose to practice Kundalini—like its effect on both your physical and psychological well-being. Below are some of the most popular health benefits of Kundalini, including a faster metabolism, better mood, and lowered stress levels.
1. Builds strength
Because you hold each posture for an extended period of time (sometimes up to five minutes!), Kundalini yoga is a great way to strengthen and tone your muscles. Some of the more intense breathing techniques—like Breath of Fire—can also build core strength, as you have to engage your abdominal muscles with each exhale.
2. Improves your mood
That “high” you get after a sweaty yoga class is a real thing—research has found that regularly practicing Kundalini yoga increases the production of serotonin (the happy hormone) in your brain.
3. Lowers your blood pressure and heart rate
Studies have repeatedly shown that Kundalini yoga—specifically the deep breathing techniques used during it—can decrease the risk of hypertension. Long, slow breaths calm your autonomic nervous system and reduce stress, thus lowering both your blood pressure and pulse rate.
4. Enhances your memory and focus
According to research, Kundalini yoga can impact cognitive functioning, boosting both your concentration and memory. Even the Alzheimer’s Research and Prevention Foundation recommends a Kundalini kriya for improving memory retention.
5. Boosts your metabolism and digestive system
Through the combination of breath and postures, Kundalini yoga is focused on strengthening your core and diaphragm. This in turn improves your digestion and has been shown by researchers to speed up metabolism (meaning your body processes energy more efficiently).
Colon Hydrotherapy is a preventive therapy that helps eliminate toxins, adhesions and hormonal residues that the body takes to discard, helping to improve intestinal transit and activating
the circulatory system.
At the Nery Om clinic, colon hydrotherapy is naturopathic, which is why it is accepted to work with people who have diverticula or hemorrhoids or have chronic constipation without this representing a painful or dangerous therapy, in addition to accompanying it with therapies that activate circulation. thus helping to a good release of toxic adhesions.
Benefits of colon hydrotherapy
• Strengthens the immune system
• Improves metabolism and helps in the absorption of nutrients
• Helps with weight loss by removing toxic buildup
• You can lose between 2 and 4 kilos of waste after the 1st session.
• Pressure on the abdominal organs is relieved, reducing pain and discomfort in this area.
• Increase blood flow from the lower extremities and pelvic region.
• Improves circulation and digestive problems, without the help of prescribed medications.
• Tones the abdomen
• Maximizes the functions of the large intestine, lymph and nervous system
• Eliminates parasites / worms
• It can act as a preventive measure against cancer, especially colon cancer.
• Improves mental clarity and rejuvenation by removing toxic material, which causes premature aging.
• Loss of volume and lightness of weight in thick people and weight gain in thin people due to a better assimilation of nutrients.
• Prevention of infectious diseases by improving the immune system.
• Decrease in cholesterol and triglyceride levels.